Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fool

Happy April Fool's Day! I'm happy to report that I have not been "fooled" (yet), despite going into work today. Honestly, I expected a lot of jokes to be played behind the scenes at Panera, but I didn't witness a single one. I'm glad, but also surprised, because not only could we go for "your shoe's untied" we could say that each other's aprons were untied, hats were messed up, we'd spilled stuff on ourselves, or any number of other things.

I'm thinking about playing a joke on Logan, but I really can't think of anything good. Pretty much everything in our apartment is shared, so I don't want to cover anything in tinfoil or saran wrap because that would also inconvenience me, and that defeats the purpose of a good prank. Hiding his stuff wouldn't be funny--just mean--as would telling a lie of some sort to scare him.

I guess I'll just play a time-worn favorite and tell him his shoe is untied.