Monday, September 16, 2013


Today, I want to talk to you about true love.

This is Logan, my fiance.

This picture is at a weird angle because I'm sick and confined to laying on the couch. Logan and I started dating in February a couple years ago, and the day after we were official, I got sick like this. My nose was stuffy, my throat hurt, and I was pretty much just a nasty mess. But he took care of me by getting me medicine and making sure that I drank plenty of water and didn't forget to eat.

Now we've been dating for a while, we're engaged, and Logan still takes good care of me. Even though I'm sick and nasty and kind of cranky and mean, Logan doesn't hold it against me. He still makes sure I take care of myself so I'll get better.

Logan is always there when I need him with patience and grace in spades, and I just wanted to give him a public shout out and thank you.