Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fiber Friday: Saturday Edition

Lame excuse for not posting on my self-imposed deadline: I hosted a party last night, and between technical difficulties and frantic cleaning...

Anyway, I'm still slugging away on the wedding shawl (and will be for a while), but I also have a pair of socks for Logan on the needles. They're the Escalator Socks that seem to be pretty popular on Ravelry, and for good reason. They're really fun, easy enough for me to handle them as first socks, and have a pattern that is both "manly" (according to Logan) and engaging.

This is the second sock (my second sock ever) and I just finished the best part of them: the short row heel. Turning the heel is so magical, so inspiring, so downright cool that it makes the boring parts of the sock totally worth it (I'm looking at you, ribbing). I just love how blindly following the directions, because I don't really understand the mechanics of the short row heel yet, turns a flap of fabric into a nifty little cup and gets your needles going in a new direction.

I think it might be a form of magic.

Next week, I'm going to try to have a finished pair.

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