Monday, January 6, 2014

100th Post and Too Much Stuff

This is my 100th post!? Wow, I wouldn't have thought it that time already.

I wish I had something a bit more exciting to share on this landmark blog, but honestly, things are slowing down here at Scraps of Yarn. The dizzying excitement from graduation and the wedding are fading and everything is settling back into routine. I'm glad -- I kind of missed the routine.

Since I don't have school to worry about and I'm currently on the hunt for a job, I have more free time than I'm used to. I've been using that time to sort through all the lovely presents Logan and I have received from the wedding and to organize the apartment. The poor thing hasn't gotten much attention for the past few months between school and wedding planning, but it's getting plenty now. I'm sorting and cleaning everything, one chunk at a time.

Doing so has been tedious, but also soothing. There's not much that feels better than stepping back from a freshly cleaned bit of the apartment and savoring the feeling of satisfaction that comes from a job well done. And going through all of our things has made me so thankful for what we have. Logan and I have more than we need and no real worries about the future. Not everyone is so lucky, which is a subject that has been on my mind more often than not.

That's why I'm going through all of our things with a critical eye and I'm looking to rid the apartment of some of that extra stuff we don't really need. I'm going to box it all up and send it to people who need it or would use it more than we do.

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