Friday, November 29, 2013

Breaking the Cardinal Law of the Internet

I've always heard people say to never google yourself. Nothing good is supposed to come out of it. But Kerry's presentation said exactly the opposite. The first rule of creating your own personal brand is googling yourself to see what's already out there about you. Then you can decide what you want to show up in the future and work towards making that happen.

I googled myself as soon as I got home that day and was delighted to see that I really like the results. Most of it is actually me--though there is a doctor out there named Autumn Shuler--and that it's all stuff that I proud to be associated with. Some of my Zelda blog posts come up, as well as a lot of my yarn stuff, my various social media profiles, and some feminism.

It's interesting to see what I boil down to on the Internet, and how it truly reflects what I want it to. I guess that means that I'm doing something right, since that's all the stuff I consider to be most important to me is actually what I'm talking about.

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