Monday, December 2, 2013

The Emotional Significance of Pictures

My classmate Hannah Hearn's final presentation for Writing for the Digital Age was about emotions through drawings. She asked some people she knew to draw four pictures, one for happy, one for sad, one for angry, and one for neutral. She then gave the pictures to other people and asked them to tell her what emotion they thought the picture represented. It was interesting to see how some of the drawings were so perfect for their respective emotion that everyone guessed correctly, and how some were completely off the mark.

Hannah's presentation reminded me of a game I played a couple of years ago called Dixit. It's a tabletop game a lot like Apples to Apples except the cards are all pictures instead of words. One person comes up with a word or phrase for one of the cards in his/her hand, then everyone lays a card face-down on the table. The cards are shuffled, and everyone tries to guess which was the dealer's card.

The art is gorgeous and though it sometimes gets silly, I feel that Dixit can get surprisingly insightful. It's fascinating to see how people attach meaning to pictures and how that meaning changes once words are assigned to the pictures. I feel like it would be right up Hannah's alley!

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