Friday, September 20, 2013

iPhone Update to iOS 7.0

So, Apple just released the iOS 7.0 for iPhone, and it just finished downloading on my phone. I just got my iPhone (4S) and I love it, so the change has me a little nervous. I haven't looked up anything about it and have no idea what's coming, so I thought it would be fun to give my thoughts as I experience them.

So far so good, I like my phone telling me "Hello." Is that Helvetica? Ooooh, the new passcode buttons are pretty snazzy.

Asking for location services permission first thing is quite nice. Even though I'll probably change my mind later, I appreciate Apple allowing me to disable the service up front. The openness and availability of information on what location services is and how it's used makes me feel good. 

Typing the password for my Apple ID gives the first glimpse of the new keyboard, and I love it. I'm 99% sure it's in Helvetica now and the clarity is much improved (period).

Haha, updating my iCloud. I don't think I even have anything in there.

Oh. The home screen is a bit disappointing. The running header thingy with the time, charge level, and signal amount looks nice, but the apps and whatnot look kind of cheap. I'm sure I'll get used to it, as I get used to everything, but my initial reaction is that everything appears a bit flat. But that's just aesthetics, so I'm going to start getting into actual usability.

Since I use my calendar more than anything, I'm going to start there. My initial reaction is that there's a bit too much going on. I don't want to see the days of the week, I just want to see today. I liked the old list look, rather than the time blocks I'm seeing currently. Because I don't have any other calendars besides my personal one, and I don't use the invitation feature of the calendar, the bottom bar is just taking of valuable screen space. It's not enough to make me switch from Google calendars to something else, but it does feel a little clunky to me.

So I accidentally swiped up from the bottom, and now there's a handy screen! Nice, I have all my frequently fiddled with settings right there so I don't have to go into my actual settings menu to fool with it. As well as flashlight, alarms, calculator, and camera. Wonderful! And whatever I'm listening to at the time has a handy-dandy little section. Loving this!

Just sent a message to Mom, and the layout is much nicer to read quickly. The new font really helps improve clarity, and the keyboard is immediately easier to use.

I'm also digging the fact that pictures are now sorted by date taken. The web is cool too. I'm having too much fun playing to continue typing now.

TL:DR -- new update is super cool.

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