Friday, September 6, 2013

Red Dead Redemption and Knitting Patterns

I want to start designing my own knitting patterns, but I'm not sure how to begin that process. I haven't been knitting all that long, just a year and a half, and I don't feel that I really understand it enough to begin designing.

But, in the Riot Grrrl spirit in which I try to live my life, I say I'm just going to go for it. What's the worst that could happen? I create a stupid looking sock? Oh no! Whatever will I do? It's knitting. I can just rip it back and start over if I so choose.

So, I'd like to design a sock based off the game I'm currently playing -- Red Dead Redemption. (Quick aside -- does anybody know if you're "supposed" to italicize game titles?) For those of you unfamiliar with the game, here's a picture that pretty much sums it up.

(Picture taken from:

You play as a cowboy and do all sorts of cowboy-y things like catch bad guys, tame mustangs, and play poker, all while advancing the further mission of taking down the head of the most notorious gang in New Austin. It's got an interesting morality system, and the whole thing has me hooked, but that's a story for another day.

What strikes me over and over is how freaking beautiful the game is. The landscape is absolutely breathtaking, and I love riding through it on my trusty steed. Enjoy some more eye candy and soak up the beauty for a second.




Awesome, right?

And it's not only Red Dead's desert that has me inspired. It seems like everything I'm experiencing lately takes place in a desert. First was Dune, then Journey, now Red Dead. I've fallen in love with the colors and subtle beauty of the landscape. I like the wide open spaces that are ugly at first glance, but the longer you look, the more you see their intricacies of color and the way space moves up and down in canyons and cliffs.

I do understand the irony of designing something knit after a place where no one in their right mind would wear such a thing, but I'm going to forge ahead in spite of that. Now the question is what to make. Socks? They're small and portable, but I'm not great at them. A hat? Also portable, and very quick, but how would you integrate a desert theme into a hat? A shawl? I love knitting shawls, and I could incorporate the idea of dunes into some sort of wavy construction in a super light yarn that would float on the breeze...

I would love to hear your thoughts! Leave me a comment (or five)!


  1. This is why we need to go see the Grand Canyon.

  2. You could make a hat designed like a tumble weed or a cactus inspired sweater or ooo ooo a train shawl maybe part train part men still finishing the track. I don't know just stuff off the top of my head.

    1. The shawl idea sounds awesome! Unfortunately, I think it's a bit beyond my skill level. A shawl with just the tracks though -- that sounds possible.

  3. Entry for world's dorkiest comment: you do indeed italicize names of video games.
