Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Legend of Zelda: Part 1

 Last night I started playing The Legend of Zelda. I wanted to play it on the NES, but Logan insisted we get it on the Wii to save the NES the strain. Because I've never played Zelda, I wanted to have the full old-school experience, but I understand his concern.
Image from fatratgaming.com

I needn't have worried about losing the old-school experience though, because about a minute into the game I realized Logan isn't kidding around when he says old games are much harder than new games (in general, of course). I died a few times before I even managed to find my way to the first dungeon, mainly because of the jerk in the water.

Image from ign.com

I finally did make it to the first dungeon and died a number of times in there before I finally got the swing of the game and managed to walk a couple feet in a row without getting the crap smacked out of me. But then I had to master the art of walking through doors, which sounds easy, but actually requires pinpoint accuracy. I cannot tell you how many times I have walked into walls already and before I stopped playing, I'd only completed my first boss fight. 

Image from superadventuresingaming.blogspot.com

 Aside from the frustration that I'm suffering because of the game's difficulty, I'm having a good time so far. There isn't really a story at all (at least not yet) and it's not the best visual experience in the world, but I like that I'm doing something that's challenging and works out my brain in a way that I'm not used to.

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